Fall 2021

During this semester, I was in a Search and Display Advertising class. I was able to earn my Search Ads and Display Ads Certifications from Google.

I worked on two projects this semester – a search campaign and a display campaign. My partner and I chose a brand to create campaigns for. We both love movies so we chose to create campaigns for Sony Pictures.

In this project, we focused on keywords for two search campaigns, Movies and TV Genres. We then put the keywords into Google Ads and created search ads for the campaigns.

In this project, we took our Movies campaign and created a comprehensive display ad campaign with upcoming movies focusing on target audiences and demographics, keywords, and creating several display ads.


I was also in a Social Media Advertising class during the fall semester. In this class we learned how to create social media ads for platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. For this project, I specifically worked on the Background, Market Analysis, Target Market, Influencers, ad examples for Facebook , Instagram, and TikTok as well as an AR Filter for Snapchat, the Budget, and put the presentation together.

TikTok ad I created highlighting our created hashtag, #MyFirstDisneyMemory
Snapchat AR Filter I created using Snapchat Lens software.


Summer 2021

I have created a Social Media Portfolio to showcase work I’ve done for social media such as graphics and captions. Most of the work consists of work I did for my summer 2021 internship at KCommunications.


Spring 2021

Here is a Google Analytics Report I did on the Google Merchandise Store while learning how to use Google Analytics.


Here is a sample of my writing from a PR Writing class I took. I covered press releases, media pitches, and fact sheets as well as creative writing.


2021 Advertising & Public Relations Awards

During the Spring 2021 semester, I worked on a directed study opportunity to organize and create the 2021 Advertising and Public Relations Awards for Loyola’s School of Communication. This book goes into detail of the process and work that I did.


Fall 2020

I worked on a marketing campaign for a theoretical app called Find A Friend. I created the final book, compiling all of the research and product work that our group did over the course of the semester.


Here is part of a Covid-19 public service campaign I created using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop for one of my classes.


Other Projects

Alpha Chilights

I was the Newsletter Chair for my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega. I wrote, edited, and published a newsletter every other week. The Spring 2021 editions have been combined into one document.


Small Town Chicago

Loyola University Chicago Students showcasing Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods in a new light. Here is one of the episodes we did.
