I figured since I’m starting this whole blog thing I should be introducing myself to you all.
I know that on the homepage of my website there’s an “About Me,” but that’s more professional than anything. I wanted to give a more inside look into who I am, a little more personal and a little less professional, so here are 10 fun facts about me.
1. I am the youngest of three girls – and yes, before you ask, I give off big youngest energy. My older sisters would come for me if I didn’t admit this. I love my sisters though, and we’re super close, even when we annoy the crap out of each other. They’re my best friends.

2. I’ve now lived in three states: Missouri (born and raised), Illinois and Florida. I’m still currently in Florida, and do I want to stay here? Absolutely not, but I do enjoy the warm weather. The end goal for me is California, but that has a lot to do with my professional goals.
3. My favorite color is blue, and I love anything floral. If you were to look at my closet, it’s mostly blue, and if it’s not blue, it most likely has a floral pattern.
4. I’m Irish and German which shows with my love of potatoes. Mashed potatoes will always be my favorite form of potato, but you can’t go wrong with fries, or tater tots, or potatoes au gratin, or potato pancakes. My favorite part of the Christkindlmarket in Chicago was getting the potato pancakes every year.
5. I love painting my nails, and I always have to have them painted. It’s so relaxing and kind of mind numbing for me to paint them.
6. I love movies even though I tend to watch the same 10 or so movies on repeat. BUT, nothing beats seeing a new movie in theaters with movie theater popcorn.
7. I am an early riser and always have been. It’s so hard for me to sleep past 8 am, but sometimes I can sleep until 9. Those days are a win.
8. I love tea. If you were to ask me coffee or tea, I will always say tea. I do drink coffee now, but I didn’t start drinking it until my junior or senior year of college. My best friend turned me on to the Irish Cream Cold Brew Starbucks used to do during the holidays. I was very upset when they didn’t bring it back this past year. I get my Irish Cream coffee fix now at Joffrey’s Coffee locations around Disney since they have an Irish Cream syrup you can add to lattes.
9. I am a big Disney fan, and I’m always in the parks. Hot girl walks in the parks are unmatched. My favorite movies are Beauty and the Beast, Monsters Inc. and Tangled, and my favorite rides are Tower of Terror and Space Mountain.

10. Niall Horan is my favorite artist. He’s consistently been my top artist on Spotify, and I saw him three times this past summer at his The Show: Live on Tour concert. It was AMAZING!
Notice I didn’t name any hobbies, but that’s because I’m saving those for a different post. You’ll have to wait to see what I spend my free time doing outside of going to the Disney parks.
But that’s a little glimpse into my life and what makes me, me.